Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Christmas Story

I love the holidays. I know this makes me a next level weirdo since this is a tough time of year for a lot of people. Hell, it's a tough time of year for me. Especially this year, with having just been laid off a few weeks ago and having a heck of a time trying to find something steady right now. But that's another story for another day. I love Christmas, LOVE IT. I love the lights, the music, the weather. Everything about the Holiday season just makes me happy. Holiday baking shows on the Food Network, Christmas movies, ALL THE HOLIDAY books. I'm all about it. Maybe it's because I was born in December, or maybe it's because humanity is a little bit nicer, whatever the reason; I am a Christmas kid. Always have been and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

2015 was a tough year, and December 2015 was going to be my first Christmas without my Mama. My Mom was a collector of people, and every Christmas she would cook a nice brunch and all were welcome. Family, friends, people who didn't have family or needed a break from theirs, it didn't matter. People would float in and out of her cute little condo and she fed us all. Christmas at my Mom's was really special, and after she passed away, I wanted to continue her tradition of making a nice breakfast for our family, friends, etc.. So, I looked up recipes, found the perfect egg, cheese and potato casserole (seriously, it's SO GOOD) bought the bacon, which I only eat once a year, and I proceeded to Susie Homemaker my ass off.

I got everything prepped on Christmas Eve, but here's the thing; I've never made bacon before. I had no idea how to cook it. I called my bestie, who has these kinds of skills, and she told me how I could make it in the oven. SCORE! So early christmas morning, I leave my lumberjack sleeping in our bed, I go downstairs, I pop my casserole in the oven, I place strips of bacon on a baking sheet and pop everything in the oven. I settled on the couch with my coffee and I'm enjoying the quiet peace of the morning. Just reflecting on the past few months, missing my Mommy. . . and I notice smoke coming from the kitchen. I thought that was normal I guess? I thought that bacon maybe smoked? Well, I didn't think much of it until it started getting a bit heavier. Alarmed, I went to the kitchen and opened my oven . . . Only to find it completely engulfed in flames. I shut the oven door super fast and called for my guy. I told him the oven was on fire. Meanwhile, I had just buzzed my Dad in the front gate, and by the time he got to the front door, the smoke alarms were going bonkers, and Philly was putting the oven fire out with baking soda.

So it turns out, I needed something to catch the dripping bacon grease. Who knew? I was able to salvage my casserole, and not do any serious damage, it could have been much much worse. Now, Philly makes the bacon. I refuse. We have people come over, our families, and a few friends. It's a nice way to spend the morning. I like feeding people, much like my Mother. Although, I doubt she ever burned the bacon past the point of recognition.

At this moment, I'm looking at our Christmasy house. The tree is up, there are lights and light-up animals outside. I have sauce in the crock pot, I made cheesecake cups with lemons from our tree for dessert, and once again I'm reflecting on the last year, and what comes next. There's definitely some fear there, I'm not really sure what happens next for me, I can only trust God that He has a plan, that there's a great job waiting who would love them some JoJo.

Life can get pretty lifey at times, sometimes you burn the bacon, sometimes you get laid off 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and have to adjust on the fly, nothing is ever perfect. But it's always perfectly mine. I'm looking forward to Christmas morning this year, when I get to feed the people I love,and build more memories . . . Maybe some that don't involve almost burning my kitchen down <3

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I hope the magic finds you this year.


Mrsklenihan said...

I always read your blogs. The holidays will never be the same. They haven’t been since my mom left this earth. I try my best but no matter how much I try to make things Christmas-y things are just different without her.

Alice said...

I can't wait to hear more about your holiday adventures!


Joey Blue said...

It's weird, right? The difference. I love you. Thank you for always reading my stuff.

Joey Blue said...

Hopefully nothing catches on fire, fingers crossed;-)