Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Driving in the Valley - A Road Rage Rant

Driving in Las Vegas is like a combination of Death Race and the Demolition Derby. It's just re-damn-diculous. Every day.... I feel like I am my worst self when I'm driving to work in the morning. It's not because I'm upset about going to work, I love my work. I just get tired of these wingnuts behind the wheel!!!

Every morning on the 15 south, there's at least 3 or 4 cars that break the double line to get into the express lane. If people do this in CA, it's a $350 fine. But out here in the wild wild west, it's a bloody free for all.

Last week, when attempting to change freeways, a car was STOPPED in the lane with its blinker on to change lanes... STOPPED!!!ON THE FREEWAY!!!! Then there's the loves who won't let you in, or ride your bumper because 85 just isn't fast enough. That's always fun. Or when someone stays even with the car in front of you so you absolutely can not pass. Super pleasant.

I can't tell you how many times I've had a perfectly wonderful day and as soon as I have to deal with humanity on the road, I'm mothertrucking everything... calling these folks everything but a child of God, and sometimes rolling down my window to flip them the bird so they can know just how mad I am, and they deserve to be punished for breaking an unknown Joanna law.

I'm also guilty of driving like an a**hole. Shocking, I know. When I was younger, my cousins called me "Crash" because I was always getting in fender benders and getting tickets and what not. So, driving has always been a bit of an adventure for me.

Vegas is such a melting pot of folks, and quite transient. So, it's just a hodgepodge of the worst driving ever...

I will end this rant with a quote from my friend who suffers from a case of the road rages as well: "I have to remember that everyone, including me, does stupid $#!t on the road ALL the time. When you really think about it, it's amazing that any of us survive a 10 minute trip down the highway"

Deep breaths.... and be nice :-)

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